Bartender 2 license
Bartender 2 license

bartender 2 license

Esc and Enter Keys while searching - Pressing esc while searching will now exit search and reset the menu bar, pressing enter will start keyboard navigation.Menu item positions saved - We now save menu bar positions (previously we relied on macOS to do this) this should help maintain positions between Bartender restarts/reboots.Better checking for removed items - Bartender checks for items removed by menu bar apps, but was producing some false positives in some situations, causing items to not be shown, we have improved on this.

bartender 2 license

Autohide on App Switching - Autohide would only trigger on mouse events, we now also autohide when a new app becomes active (say via keyboard app switching).Multiscreen setups - Bartender now works more reliably on setups with multiple screens.Crash fix - We have had reports of a crash, we believe we have fixed this.Better compatibility with some app setups - Some apps have old preferences remaining from previous versions etc, Bartender now better detects this correctly.iStat Menus Individual item control - We love iStat Menus and now Bartender 3 can control iStat menus items individually.We did consider calling it High Bartender but thought better of it.


  • macOS High Sierra Compatibility - Full macOS High Sierra compatibility.
  • What this does now mean though is that Bartender is no longer able to display the Bartender Bar beneath the menu bar but instead displayed it in the main menu bar removing normally shown items to display the Bartender Bar items.

    bartender 2 license

    This means we no longer do anything that SIP (System Integrity Protection) is interested in and can work with any menu bar app including those with increased security (Such as Apple System items). The biggest change is we no longer require a helper to be installed in menu item apps to control them.

  • Completely rewritten for modern macOS - Bartender 3 has been completely rewritten from the ground up in Swift using best practices to work with modern macOS, it also paves the way for many new features we have planned.

  • Apple MA687ZM/A Bluetooth модуль для Mac Pro.

  • Bartender 2 license